It is 8:51 in the evening here in Edinburgh and the sunlight is illuminating the chimneys in the deep warm glow of impending night fall. The gulls are flying about and the pale blue sky is marked with lavender, grey and pink clouds stretching across. This is the last Friday night in July. I can't believe this month has come and gone so quickly.
I have 48 or so more days here in Edinburgh and I can't bear to think of it but I do all the time. I can't imagine leaving here or making myself get on a plane on September 12th but I do imagine it until tears come to my eyes and roll down my cheeks. It feels like home here.
The character of Mary Ann Singleton from Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City comes to mind when she arrives and decides after a week that she is not returning home to Cleveland from her vacation to San Francisco. I wish it could be that easy for me to move here. I spent 4 months here last year and 6 months here this year and have very much settled into the city's rhythm and clamor. I have a small set of lovely friend here now too. It really does feel like home. There is still so much to discover. I would love to relax even more into my place here. One day perhaps...
Worries, nostalgia, and government red tape aside, I know it is most important to live in the now and take each moment as it comes and that I still have quite a few Edinburgh moments in my future. I am so grateful for this time here. I will never not be grateful for this time in my life.
In other news Steven Heaton, the curator and director of Cross Street Arts in England came up and returned our work to us on Wednesday and we showed him as much of the city as we could in less than a day with his returning to England on Thursday. It was a lovely visit full of art, a ramble through Dean village along the Water of Leith, curry, beer, a cute breakfast place, the royal mile and even more art before he caught the train back. I am grateful for all the support my work was given by Cross Street Arts and the opportunities there. He brought us a copy of a delightful spread in the Wigan Evening Post about the exhibition. It was a great visit and it is good to have the work back under my wing as I begin to create more pieces in the series beginning next week.
Besides the entertaining and tourist activities, I also relaunched my Etsy shop on Monday. You can visit my new and improved shop here. Please consider buying something for yourself or a friend. My small Etsy items keep me going. When a small work on paper sells from my shop it is always like getting a high five, a hug or more honestly, it is like paying a bill or buying my meals for the day. I am grateful for the recent spate of sales, keep them coming!
Next week the serious work returns but I have some fun things planned as well. Never give up. Live the life you are here to live... and remember to keep fighting.
I have 48 or so more days here in Edinburgh and I can't bear to think of it but I do all the time. I can't imagine leaving here or making myself get on a plane on September 12th but I do imagine it until tears come to my eyes and roll down my cheeks. It feels like home here.

Worries, nostalgia, and government red tape aside, I know it is most important to live in the now and take each moment as it comes and that I still have quite a few Edinburgh moments in my future. I am so grateful for this time here. I will never not be grateful for this time in my life.
In other news Steven Heaton, the curator and director of Cross Street Arts in England came up and returned our work to us on Wednesday and we showed him as much of the city as we could in less than a day with his returning to England on Thursday. It was a lovely visit full of art, a ramble through Dean village along the Water of Leith, curry, beer, a cute breakfast place, the royal mile and even more art before he caught the train back. I am grateful for all the support my work was given by Cross Street Arts and the opportunities there. He brought us a copy of a delightful spread in the Wigan Evening Post about the exhibition. It was a great visit and it is good to have the work back under my wing as I begin to create more pieces in the series beginning next week.
Besides the entertaining and tourist activities, I also relaunched my Etsy shop on Monday. You can visit my new and improved shop here. Please consider buying something for yourself or a friend. My small Etsy items keep me going. When a small work on paper sells from my shop it is always like getting a high five, a hug or more honestly, it is like paying a bill or buying my meals for the day. I am grateful for the recent spate of sales, keep them coming!
Next week the serious work returns but I have some fun things planned as well. Never give up. Live the life you are here to live... and remember to keep fighting.