Hello again! Today, I am writing this outside in the sunshine as the birds sing and the honeysuckle bushes are leafing out all around my house. It is that distinct fresh new green that is piercing against the blue sky. It is Spring.
This week went by in the blink of an eye. Let's see what happened? There was some organizing, deep cleaning, painting and tax preparation. There were also routine things like paying bills, grocery shopping and getting my new health insurance card in the mail! I also saw friends and worked on some new projects.
I am delighted to announce that I am going to be the guest speaker at the April meeting of the Scottish Society of Northwest Arkansas. I will be giving a talk about my project, my research and my time in Scotland. I am very excited about this opportunity. I will be giving the talk in Springdale, Arkansas next Tuesday April 8th at 7pm at AQ Chicken House. The meeting is open to the public for folks that are either of Scottish descent or just admire the Scottish culture. I am looking forward to talking with everyone.
As far as the new series I am working on currently, I am thinking about them and the theory behind the series. So far the series is created on 12x12" panels with raw canvas torn into pieces and glued to the face of the panels, the canvas is stained and painted and they crash together or balance delicately. Things are being built and pieces fall, break and crumble away and then they are rebuilt over and over again, much like life. We are constantly rebuilding and I want to explore this within this body of work. Right now I feel a bit too scattered with preparation for my talk and my upcoming workshops to focus on the series the way I would like but I know I will right myself and refocus again. My life is a good example of my series in action. Rebuilding of attention, relationships, space, interests, needs, finances and of self.
I have also been using this time to do some inner work. A slight springtime tuneup. Eating well, taking my vitamins, exercising, yoga, meditating, writing, letting go of things that no longer serve me. Again, rebuilding. The springtime is a good time for a major rebuild and renewal. It almost seems luxurious to take care of myself in this way. However, I know this is critical to everything else that comes next.
How do you rebuild? How do you know when it has become critical? Will you give yourself permission?
Until next week, you know what to do.
During the month of April I will be donating 10% of all my Etsy sales to the Jane Goodall Institute.