This busted chair feels like September |
Hello, Dear Readers,
Well, there is no denying that people are fascinated with AI. Last week's blog proved popular and outranked several of my recent posts.
I won't be using AI this week and I am happy to be sitting here in front of my computer listening to music and contemplating which thoughts to share with you. This studio blog is part of my art practice and after sixteen years, it's part of my life - even if and when the "robots" can do it better.
It's September and the tea is still tasting good as the light starts to shift and the darkness shows up faster than I would like. For the blog this week, I thought a cultural roundup was in order. I used to do this back in the day - share the things that were inspiring, teaching, and or reminding me of who I am or who I want to be.
Let's see:
Working Class History:
I just listened to E21-24: WCH Crime: The Columbia Eagle Mutiny - "about the hijacking of a ship full of napalm by two anti-war US sailors during the Vietnam war." I thought this was well done and I enjoyed listening to Alvin Glatkowski tell his amazing story. I enjoyed learning about something I knew nothing about.
I am currently listening to another podcast produced by Working Class History. I just started E27-29: Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners - "about the young LGBT+ people who transformed the workers’ movement supporting the UK strike of coal miners in 1984-5." Give them a listen! Our world is filled with such courageous people creating change sometimes at great personal cost. I am thankful for them.
For a bit of fun, I also enjoyed listening to "Who Robs A Banksy?" A six-part series revolving around a true character by the name of Andy Link."In 2004, he kidnapped one of Banksy’s pieces of art in broad daylight from the middle of central London, and held it to ransom." You will have to listen to hear how it all plays out.
America Over the Water by Shirley Collins. I read this earlier in the summer and really enjoyed learning about Shirley Collin's role in helping Alan Lomax get all those Southern recordings. If you are in Edinburgh - I picked my copy at Good Vibes in Leith - a super friendly record and book shop. They have great incense too. Check them out!
HELLSANS by Ever Dundas. You might not think that a story about a typeface that causes grotesque sickness in some and euphoria in others set in a dystopian future would be the book that would offer me solace as I slowly recovered from COVID-19, but you would be wrong. I clung to this book for three solid days. I badly needed to disappear from my reality and into another and Ever made that easy. This book also changed the way I relate to technology and helped me to explore some of my beliefs about myself and where I fit into this world. Reading HELLSANS reminded me of myself at 16 staying up all night eating saltine crackers and salsa while devouring Alan Moore's The Watchmen. Thank you, Ever.
Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!: A People's History of Occupation. This 36-page comic book helped get me acquainted with the occupations that have taken place in Scotland from 1940-2021. That's an amazing feat to capture in 36 pages! What a great resource directly from the voices that took part. This is really well done and I highly recommend picking up a copy. A bargain at just a fiver! Solidarity!
I listen to Dave Brubeck every morning while I eat my porridge. This song comes on first (I mean if that doesn't set the tone - I don't know what does).
Currently, I listen to Christian Löffler's Haul on repeat while I am out walking. You know I am listening to a variety of music all the damn time - so I am not going to get into all that. :) Some of you, even have access to my playlists - I know you are long overdue an update. Thanks for your patience.
I hope you have enjoyed this culture round-up. I had to take a break from writing it to walk over for a wee meeting about an upcoming group exhibition at the Drill Hall later this month with my studio peers. See, I fit a bit of art talk in there. I will tell you all about it next week - so you can put it in your diaries and join us.
Thanks for popping by the old studio blog. If you enjoy my blog or appreciate these particular recommendations consider leaving me a tip. Please share what is inspiring you in the comments. Until next week, keep fighting!