Friday, March 15, 2013

I am here!

After a crazy week of sad goodbyes, last minute errands, the last minute subletting of my house and of course last minute packing, I finally arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland on Thursday morning around sunrise after being on three different planes and traveling over 4,000 miles. The trip was smooth, all flights were early, airports easily managed and the weather clear. The last flight was a bit more bumpy in spots than I enjoy but ultimately it was fine.

The taxi from the airport sped along the cobbled streets taking a rather circuitous route due to the ever lasting tram works that Edinburgh has apparently been experiencing for years. As we made our way home, the city felt familiar to me almost as if I hadn't left it at all.

Once at the flat, Stewart and I got right to it and unpacked, washed clothes and got organized. We also slept for parts of the day. It feels good to be back and I still like Stewart's small flat.

Right now we are just getting settled and getting our sleep schedules to normal and just making sense of it all. Today was a day of errands and more settling in.

A huge bouquet of daffodils on the table acts like the sunshine in this Gothic world and for now that it is fine by me. Stay tuned as the adventure unfolds...


  1. megan, am i on the right blog? whatever, i hope you're having a fabulous time. I think you'll be in eb for the arts festival!Lorel

  2. Hi Lorel! :)
    Thanks for checking in. Yes, I will be in town for the Festival! I am looking forward to it.

    You have found my regular Friday studio blog. I will send you another invitation to my private subscription only project blog which has more in depth news about my travels, research and project. Thanks for saying hello and for your support! - M
