Friday, July 25, 2014

These boots are made for walking

The Pink Tunic
Tamara de Lempicka
Hello Lovely Readers! 

I hope you have had a good week. I have thought about art, talked about art and looked at art. I have had a few ideas for a couple of new series. I even sold a small $10 piece this week from the sale section of my Etsy shop. 

I have also felt like I am not doing enough, making enough and especially not selling enough. I have gone down a spiral of doubt and shame surrounding my art career at present. I have questioned myself, my worth and the viability of being a self employed artist. Just another week in the studio.

The highlight of the business week was having one of my pieces featured on the front page of Etsy for an hour, which drove several hundreds of views to my shop which felt really great but there were no sales as a result of the excitement.

It is hard not to take personally or to wonder where things went amiss or what I could be doing differently besides working more, putting on an even braver face or learning the ends and outs of whatever the latest marketing tool that is hot right now on the interwebs. Part of me just wants to start over with a different business model in this new economic climate.

And maybe that's just what I'll do...

Today, I will leave you with some work by Tamara de Lempicka that has been inspiring me this past week.

Nude with Dove
Tamara de Lempicka
The Orange Scarf
Tamara de Lempicka
Tamara de Lempicka
Nana de Herrera
The Green Turban
Tamara de Lempicka

1 comment:

  1. I hear you Megan. I do this self doubt career thing fairly often - at least twice a year. I've learnt that its a natural process of checking that I'm moving in the right direction and if not then what can I do about it. I stop, reflect, assess and plan. I always get back on track with a better plan. I always remind myself that the only constant thing is change, and what was appropriate then isn't now so I adapt. This process usually takes a few weeks, so use it wisely and have faith in yourself. xx
