Friday, May 7, 2021

One hell of a week!

It's been one hell of a week. 

Monday - An unscheduled bank holiday (£££) appointment for Theo at the vet as he had some worrisome symptoms. Turns out he is fine, and it was a good reminder to me that we are dealing with a chronic ailment that we are managing quite well.

Wednesday - An emergency appointment at the dentist for me for a suddenly broken tooth and a total freak out. Turns out it was easily remedied and it was a good reminder that there are brilliant and skilled helpers in the world and that the NHS is such an incredible organisation. 

It was also election day but thankfully I had already voted by post - but the energy was still palpable. 

Friday - A rescheduled vaccination appointment (as I had to cancel on Wednesday due to my tooth). Another reminder of just how brilliant the NHS is at keeping on schedule and taking exceptional care of folks here. It was fast and efficient and the nurse who gave me my jab was brilliant and kind. 

As you have probably figured out I am playing blog catch-up due to the "one hell of a week." I will say that by Friday night I was exhausted and by Saturday morning I was feeling the common side effects - sore arm, low-grade fever, and body aches - much like having the flu. I am not going to lie - it was pretty miserable, but it beats the alternative! And by Sunday morning, I was feeling almost completely well again. Thank you, NHS!! 

Even with this hellish week, I did manage to fit in some drawing (see above) and filmed a Tuesday Studio Video Visit (Facebook hasn't let me post it yet - I'm still working on it). 

This week I was reminded of how good and caring people are and how interconnected we are. There are so many people who are doing good work, being kind, comforting, and supportive. We don't sing their praises enough. The vet, the dentist, the nurse, the volunteers, the taxi drivers, the delivery drivers, so many people are supporting us and helping us in this life. They aren't just showing up to work, they are making a real difference in the quality of our lives. I am filled with gratitude and reverence. 

Until next week, stay well, and thank you for you putting kindness out into the world. 

If for some reason you are reading this and you are unsure if you are putting kindness out into the world, just know that you are cared for and you are basically good and take it from there. 

If you missed last week's post, I shared a collection of some of the paper works I have done in the past year. I would love for you to go over and view them. You can do that here:

Thank you.

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