Friday, June 5, 2009

Dull life.... Ha!

Dear Readers.

Fresh off my adventure to Atlanta and back last week, I decided (spur of the moment style) to head to Kansas City this past Wednesday to see the amazing band the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.While waiting for the show to start I spent the day at the Nelson Atkins museum, and tooling around the Crossroads arts district. I also visited my favorite letter press shop HAMMERPRESS. The show was intense, and great art was seen and enjoyed as well.

Lastnight was first Thursday art walk on the Fayetteville, Arkansas square, and we had a wonderful time debuting our two newest underground artists. Dana Idlet and Gregg Moore. The rest of the represented underground artists put on a wonderful exhibition, and all the studio artists had their studios open as well so we can share our process and talk with the art patrons and community members who came out to support the arts. The fayetteville underground's gallery hours are W-Friday 12-7pm and Saturday 8-2pm. With first Thursday receptions from 5-8pm each month. If you are a local and have not checked out the underground yet- please do.

Tonight I head to Hot Springs to attend the first Friday gallery walk from 5-9pm. I will be at the Blue Moon gallery for most of the night when I am not out trying to see all the other wonderful art there. I have posted this video of gallery walk before but I think it is worth a repeat.

oh and I am painting, and planning a new body of work that I am very excited about. I will be talking about that process in future weeks.

I hope everyone is well and happy. Thanks to all the folks that still check in and read my studio blog. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

Take care-


  1. Busy lady! I'm so jealous you got to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I have yet to see them...
    Come to think of it, it's been a long time since I even went to a show. I'm going to have to do something about that...

  2. was nice to catch up with all that you have been doing, and thanks for the links...

    am looking forward to hearing more about your new body of work...

  3. Your new body of work will be awesome - I've already seen a few pieces you've been working on in somebody's FB photos, and I love it - deep, rich and very Megan. Can't wait to see more.
    Glad you're buzzing Megan - you deserve it :))

  4. Great that you are getting out and about so much - inspiration, perspiration (respiration?). I've got to catch up on the blog! I got out of my Friday habit during the hiatus.

