Friday, July 18, 2014

Today I am an artist

To see and speak ©2011 Megan Chapman 

"You are what you do today, not what you did yesterday" this is a quote from a book about money found on my walk in the park this morning.

I needed that message. The universe speaks to me in unexpected ways, perhaps it does to you as well. I am not always listening but I am always glad when I do. 

Once home from the park, I read some more from the book and then I made some art just for me. Today I am an artist. This week I did other purposeful art related things. I submitted my work to a large agency (who knows what will come of it but I did it). I looked through some of my older work in the studio and decided to have a sale. I organized my Etsy shop and decided to have a sale there too. I met with a patron yesterday and about her special commission I painted for her and she seemed pleased.

In my life, I look for the lessons to be learned and these lean years are providing me with many. Today I am an artist. I hope I will be tomorrow as well.

Thanks for stopping by. Until next week, keep fighting.

If you are looking for my Summer Sale. Click here. Please send me an email at if you are interested in one of those works, I would love them to find good homes as I downsize.

If you are looking for my Etsy $10 Sale. Click here. Everything is affordable in my Etsy shop, enjoy a rummage but those fourteen pieces are especially so.


  1. Thanks for sharing this today Megan. I needed this message too, and I know there are lots out there that will benefit, so I will share :) x

    1. Thanks for stopping by Debs. Glad to share the messages. Thanks for reading and walking the path. Glad you are here. x
