Friday, February 17, 2023

Centre of it all

I can't quite believe it is already Friday. Thanks to everyone who read last week's studio blog and especially to those who clicked on all the artist links I shared. The joy of my week seemed to resonate and inspire others and that is always a delightful thing. 

This week was also a good one! On Saturday, I got word from Kate, the incredible gallerist at Solo Gallery in Innerleithen that a painting had sold! I was overjoyed at the news. Kate still has a selection of 5 of my paintings that are available to purchase. You can go see them in person at the gallery in the beautiful Scottish Borders or you can buy them online. Click HERE.

Where we say goodbye
mixed media on canvas

On Sunday, I visited my dear friend Karl Macrae - He’s Sew Happy at his stall at the Craft & Flea in the Assembly Rooms in the city centre. It was a lovely show for Karl in a beautiful venue. I also enjoyed seeing what all the other artists had on show and for sale. I treated myself to a wee vase by Claremont Ceramics and had a nice chat with Quay Tran about his collaborative pieces (like the one I bought) with a painter that goes by the last name of Champagne. 

This is what happens when someone supports my art. I am able to buy a ticket to go to an art event and then I am able to support another artist as well as support myself - the money stays in the community. Where does the money go when we support a big box store? 

Miniature Vase by Claremont & Champagne
pencil for scale

On Tuesday I had another lovely chat with my friend and fellow artist Jennifer Libby Fay and then later for the Tuesday Studio Video Visit, I made a little promo video for my work.

Also on Tuesday, I shared my February playlist with my ko-fi supporters from the past 30 days and created my wall of fame. I am so thankful to these folks who support me regularly. Consider joining them! 

Each month I make an unlisted playlist of 13 songs as a thank you
to anyone who supports me during the month.
I started making my supporter's playlists in October of 2021. Get yours today. 

These fine folks have either supported me regularly by making a one-off contribution or bought something from my shop during the month of January. Thank you!! 

On Wednesday, I enjoyed the third two-hour session of "Art, Work and Power," presented by the Scottish Artists Union. Another great course, leaving me with lots to think about and always more to learn. Again, I ask - have you joined your union? 

On Thursday, I went to go visit Karl - again!? He is visiting from the west just now so I am trying to make the most of his time here. It was great to talk about art and life over huge mugs of tea in Leith. Always does the soul good to talk it all out. Thursday night called for another thought-provoking union teaching, the fourth two-hour session of "Art, Work and Power," presented by the Scottish Artists Union. We have the final 2-hour session of the course on Saturday. It's been great to spend time learning and thinking again about the bigger picture with my peers in the union.

And here we are, It's Friday! The sun is out and I have daffodils blooming on my shelf. Spring is getting closer every day.

I want to say something about our first minister Nicola Sturgeon and her resignation this week. I cried. I just put my head down on a table and sobbed. Since I am originally from the states, Nicola has been my Madam President. I moved here six days after the referendum vote in September 2014. She became the first minister that November. She has been the leader I have followed and learned to trust and respect. When I was an immigrant without citizenship, she made me feel like I had a place here and that I could call Scotland home and mean it. I could even call myself a Scot. For the duration of the pandemic, I was grateful for her voice of reason and care. I looked to her for guidance, and if she told me to stay home, I did. She is barely 2 years older than me - the age of my peer group. This made her even more of a hero to me. I found her honest, relatable and sincere. She talked about menopause, called herself a feminist while speaking at the podium, and was assertive and sharp - she didn't suffer fools. She is an ally as she stands up for women and the marginalised. I have deep respect and admiration for Nicola Sturgeon and all she has achieved for Scotland. I will be sad to see her go. I am proud that I became a citizen and lived these last 8-plus years in a country guided under her leadership, and I am not even an SNP member. I can't wait to see what she does next and hope that Scotland can find a good enough leader to fill her shoes.

I took this photo of Nicola in 2019 at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall, where my studio is based. Here she is at the centre of it all, smiling. Thank you, Nicola. 

Until next week, take care and keep fighting. The world needs you, your voice, and your passion. Thank you. 

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