Friday, October 22, 2021

I remembered

I have walked 68 miles so far this month and I am obsessed with Fair Isle socks, jumpers and of course, cups of tea and hot chocolate. I listen to jazz and atmospheric music with rain and crackling fire sounds. I make lists of art films I want to watch. This can only mean one thing, autumn is firmly here. 

And you know what? It's okay- it's actually rather lovely. I usually dread this time of year in Scotland because I get ahead of myself and think about what comes next, winter in Scotland - and the short days and rain.

I like spring, summer, and autumn here just not winter. It's important for me to realise that it is not winter yet, and it's always good to stay in the NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. 

Also another funny thing is that when I know WINTER IS COMING... I get out more in nature and am more active than in the sunnier and brighter parts of the year - it is my strategy to walk through the darkness. Strategies are good (I hope you have some). Anyway, I know this is an art blog but art comes from life - and walking in nature, being cosy, and falling into and recognising my autumnal strategies helps my art practice. 

So here's a bit about art, supporting artists, and your local economy and how the artist you support will in turn support their local economy too. You can see and hear me preach this gospel on the most recent Tuesday Studio Video Visit. 

So, there you have it. Our art is not on cargo ships but nearby, readily available, and waiting for you and I like autumn in Scotland just fine. Until next week, keep fighting. We need the magic you bring.

Thank you.

Small works are available from my shop.

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